Paris Hilton named the Irwin Familys baby giraffe and its a mouthful

…Of Lasagna. Paris Hilton named a giraffe “Princess Lasagna Baby”. It’s confirmed via being announced on a 3D animated billboard in Australia, seen in the video below. The honor of naming the new baby giraffe at the Irwin family’s Australia Zoo comes from the partnership between Uber Eats, Hilton, and the Irwins. In case you don’t know, Terri, Bindi, and Robert Irwin are famous zookeepers and the family of the late Steve Irwin, aka The Crocodile Hunter.

This follows a series of ads for Uber Eats Australia, where Paris joins the Irwin Family in running their zoo. With Paris having dozens of pets and even a doggy mansion, she’s essentially already qualified as a zoo keeper. Check out one of the ads:
