Georgia Public Notice | Georgia Press Association

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NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. COUNTY OF TELFAIR STATE OF GEORGIA By virtue of the Power of Sale contained in the Deed to Secure Debt from CHESTER MALCOLM POWELL to FNB South N.A., dated November 2, 2004 recorded in Deed Book 14M, Pages 161-168, Clerks Office, Telfair County, Georgia, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door at Telfair County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July, 2017, the following described property: TRACT ONE: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Original Land Lot No. 23 in the 7th Land District of Telfair County, Georgia, containing 71.42 acres, more or less, and being bounded on the northwest by Georgia State Highway No. 117, on the northeast by lands of Lonnie White; on the southeast and southwest by land of E. W. Bo White; all as will appear by reference to a certain plat of survey by Benn Moore, under the direction and supervision of E.E. Singletary, Surveyor, Georgia License No. 786, dated May 4, 1970, as will be found recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 133, Telfair County Records, said plat being incorporated herein by reference. This is the same property as that conveyed by James Wesley Stone to Malcolm Powell by deed dated May 19, 1970 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Telfair Superior Court in Deed Book 5-H, Page 445, said deed being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. TRACT TWO: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Original Land Lot No: 58 in the 7th Land District of Telfair County, Georgia, containing 15. 01 acres, more or less, described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the original South corner of said lot and running thence the southwest line of said lot North 41 degrees 50 minutes West a distance of 551.75 feet to a stake; thence running the boundary of State Highway 117 North 60 degrees 08 minutes East a distance of 2136.81 feet to a stake; thence running South 10 degrees 47 minutes East a distance of 89.22 feet to a stake; thence running South 47 degrees 16 minutes West along the southwest line of said lot a distance of 2044.42 feet to a stake and the Point of Beginning of this description. TRACT THREE: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Original Land Lot No. 59 in the 7th Land District of Telfair County, Georgia, containing 107.54 acres, more or less, and being all that portion of said land lot lying on the Westerly side of Opossum Creek, described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the original West corner of said lot and running thence the northwest line of said lot North 47 degrees 16 minutes East a distance of 2044.42 feet to a stake; thence running South 10 degrees 47 minutes East 111.94 feet to a stake; thence running South 73 degrees 16 minutes East 122. 56 feet to a stake; thence running South 15 degrees 43 minutes East 332.15 feet to a stake; thence running South 16 degrees 15 minutes West 282.69 feet to a stake; thence running South 29 degrees 31 minutes East 237.12 feet to a stake; thence running South 4 degrees 01 minutes West 103.83 feet to a stake; thence running South 43 degrees 38 minutes East 198.43 feet to a stake; thence South 3 degrees 41 minutes East 177.98 feet to a stake; thence running South 31 degrees 15 minutes West 199.16 feet to a stake; thence running south 58 degrees 20 minutes East 711.27 feet to a stake; thence running South 76 degrees 12 minutes East 110.08 feet to a stake; thence running North 64 degrees 16 minutes East 185.79 feet to a stake; thence running South 48 degrees East 147.54 feet to a stake; thence running south 52 degrees 15 minutes East 321.63 feet to a stake; thence running South 27 degrees 06 minutes West 374.06 feet to a stake; thence running South 48 degrees 21 minutes East 188.13 feet to a stake on the original southeast line of said lot; thence running the original southeast line of said lot South 45 degrees 26 minutes West a distance of 1427.52 feet to a stake at the original South corner of said lot; thence running the original southwest line of said lot North 42 degrees 40 minutes West a distance of 2954.09 feet to the original West corner of said lot and the Point of Beginning of this description. The two aforesaid tracts of land, shown and identified on a plat of survey thereof, made by Jimmy M. Bloodworth, Registered Surveyor, dated August 27, 1980, which plat of survey is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Telfair Superior Court in Plat Book 6 at page 131, the same being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. TRACT FOUR: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in original Land Lot No. 24 in the 7th Land District of Telfair County, Georgia, containing 113.01 acres, more or less, being all of the southwest one-half of said lot, described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the original West corner of said lot and running thence the northwest line of said lot North 45 degrees 27 minutes East a distance of 1684.73 feet to a stake; thence running south 44 degrees 01 minutes East a distance of 2971.66 feet to a stake on the southeast line of said lot; thence running the southeast line of said lot South 45 degrees 37 minutes West a distance of 1671.10 feet to a stake at the original South corner of said lot; thence running the original southwest line of said lot North 44 degrees 17 minutes West a distance of 2966.70 feet to a stake at the West corner of said lot and the Point of Beginning of this description. A plat of survey of the above described tract of land, identified as Tract Three made by Jimmy M. Bloodworth, Registered Surveyor and dated August 27, 1980, is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Telfair Superior Court in Plat Book 6, at Page 132, the same being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. Tract two, three, and four are the same land conveyed by E.W. White, Administrator of the Estate of Lonnie H. White, deceased, to Malcolm Powell by deed dated November 4, 1980 and shown as Tract One, Tract Two and Tract Three in said deed, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Telfair Superior County in Deed Book 6-U, Page 326-238, said deed being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. TRACT FIVE: 105.42 acres, more or less, of original Land Lot No. 23 in the 7th Land District of Telfair County, Georgia, being more particularly described by reference to a certain plat of survey by E.E. Singletary, Surveyor, Georgia License No. 786, dated October 17, 1970, and recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 175, Telfair County Records, which said plat and the description contained therein is by reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. This is the same property as that conveyed by Gloria Jevene Stone Norman, James Wesley Stone and Max Norman, Guardian of Cheryl Ann Norman to Malcolm Powell by deed dated December 23, 1970 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Telfair Superior Court in Deed Book 5-J, Page 74, said deed being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. Map and Parcel: 097-00013 Said Deed to Secure Debt having been given to secure notes dated November 2, 2004 in the original principal amount of $240,150.00 with interest from date at the rate as specified therein. The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because of among other possible events of default, failure to pay in accordance with the terms of said notes. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of the sale, including attorneys fees. To the best of the undersigneds knowledge, the party in possession of the subject property is: Carol Powell The above described property will be sold subject to unpaid state, county and city taxes to the highest bidder for cash and the proceeds will be applied to said indebtedness and the lawful expenses of said sale as provided in said security deed and a conveyance will be made to the purchaser at the sale as authorized by said security deed. Debtor should contact FNB South, P.O. Box Drawer 2028, Alma, 31510 Georgia, phone # 912-632-7262, as to any negotiations, amendments or modification of the above stated Note. This the 4th day of May, 2017. FNB South as Attorney-in-Fact for Chester Malcolm Powell P.O. Box 2028 Alma, GA 31510 912-632-7260 Jerome Adams Attorney at Law P. O. Box 1005 Douglas, GA 3l534 912-384-7109 6-7, 14, 21, 28 (3061)
