Artist 101: R5 - CelebMix

Who are the members of R5?

R5 are a popular American pop/rock band. Here are the members!

Riker Lynch

Artist 101: R5 1

Ellington Ratliff

Artist 101: R5 2

Rydel Lynch

Artist 101: R5 3

Rocky Lynch

Artist 101: R5 4

Ross Lynch

Artist 101: R5 5

When are their birthdays?

Riker – 8th November 1991

Ellington – 14th April 1993

Rydel – 9th August 1993

Rocky – 1st November 1994

Ross – 29th December 1995

What is their most popular song?

(I Can’t) Forget About You

What else do I need to know about them?

R5 are an American pop/rock band formed in California in 2009. The band consists of four of the Lynch children and their best friend Ellington. They are originally from Colorado but at age sixteen, Riker decided he wanted to move to LA to pursue his acting career so the family moved everyone over there. The band released their first music video for Can’t Get Enough Of You on 4th September 2010. They then released a five track EP called Ready, Set, Rock.

In April 2012, the band announced on their website that they had signed a record deal with Hollywood Records and they were heading on their first mini tour. On February 13th 2013, they released their four song EP, Loud which reached number 3 on iTunes. Then, on September 14th 2013, they released their debut album, Louder.

In March 2013, the band embarked on a 50 date North American tour and headed out to Australia later that year. In February 2014, they headed out on their first world tour and headed to many European countries. Their second feature length album, Sometime Last Night, was released July 10th 2015. They then headed out on their second world tour, which started in June 2015 and finished earlier this year. The tour included Australia in which they had Jack & Jack on the lineup.

Social Media links:

Band: Facebook – TwitterSnapchatInstagramWebsite

Riker: TwitterSnapchatInstagram

Ellington: TwitterSnapchatInstagram

Rydel: TwitterSnapchatInstagram

Rocky: TwitterInstagram

Ross: TwitterSnapchatInstagram
